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Schedules>> Terra EPGN Downlink schedule

This is a current schedule of X-band downlinks from the Terra spacecraft to the EOS Polar Ground Network (EPGN) stations in Norway. During these times X-band Direct Broadcast downlink is interrupted.

No information on EPGN contacts for date range from 02-02-2025 to 02-11-2025

* Direct Broadcast transmission usually terminates and resumes with about 20-30 seconds padding to the provided EPGN contact start-end times.
* *Information for this schedule are obtained from ftp://modis-dbc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ephemeris/schedule/terra/
*** EPGN station codes are
   AGS = Alaska Ground Station (Fairbanks, Alaska,USA)
   PF1 =  DataLynx ground station  (Fairbanks, Alaska,USA)
   SGS = Svalbard Ground Station (Svalbard,Norway)
   SKS =  Kongsberg-Lockheed Martin ground station (Svalbard,Norway)
   WGS = Wallops Ground Station (Wallops,Virginia,USA)

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